
Permalink link Published 8 October 2016


Awakeman! comic

If storage crates could talk…

  • chatTranscript
    Panel 1

    Shelves. On the shelves are mostly wooden barrels, but a few wooden storage crates. Two voices are talking.

    VOICE 1: Hello? Mum, is it you?

    VOICE 2: Yes dear.

    Panel 2

    We zoom in on one of the storage crates. It is a bit roughly put together, with gaps between the slats.

    MUM: Is he really there, Albert?

    ALBERT: Yes. The Order have him locked up.

    MUM: Good.

    Panel 3

    We zoom in even further, on one of the gaps in the crate. Two bright circular eyes peer through the gap.

    MUM: Make sure he doesn’t escape and…interfere.