
Permalink link Published 1 February 2009

Twitter Bird

Awakeman! comic

Alamore must have copped a lot of bullying at school for his appearance. Maybe I’ll do a flashback episode one day…

  • chatTranscript
    Panel 1

    Awakeman is once again in one piece, having a conversation with Alamore the bird.

    AWAKEMAN: So what is it? What does the frickin’ twitter bird need from me?

    Panel 2

    A loud FF-TAM! is heard as Alamore blasts Awakeman with some kind of weird energy attack. Alamore briefly glows and turns black.


    Panel 3

    AWAKEMAN: Owwww…

    Awakeman is rubbing their head while standing back up.

    ALAMORE: Call me that again… and I’ll stop following you!!

    AWAKEMAN: Ok, sure…