Permalink link Published 18 December 2016
Note: Angle brackets denotes translation.
Panel 1
Awakeman sits on a bench, arm in a sling. One of the Order looks over a clipboard. There is an x-ray image on a lightbox on the wall between them.
ORDER DOCTOR: <Well, it’s your arm…>
Panel 2
Outside the medical room, Awakeman has a friend waiting.
AWAKEMAN: <Hello, Pleiades.>
Aha, so we, the audience, finally learn one of their names! It’s Pleiades! About freakin’ time, Josh.
Pleiades hunches down to take a closer look at the slinged arm, stroking their chin in thought.
PLEIADES: <Hmm. We won’t get the car done with your arm like that.>
Panel 3
AWAKEMAN: <I just want to go home. Who cares about a car when you have–> how to say… <–Holes? Air doorway?>
PLEIADES: <You have no idea!>